In this 2020 webinar, we explain changes in produce product identification, and what that means for your organization. Generic UPC usage is being phased out by retailers, here are the top three takeaways from the webinar to stay ahead of these changes and make your business more efficient.
Top 3 Takeaways:
- Sunsetting of generic UPCs: As of December 31, 2019, IFPA (formerly PMA) and CPMA are no longer issuing generic UPCs, and strongly recommends that those still using generic UPCs make plans to phase out use of and convert to company specific UPCs.
- While IFPA recommends the use of company-specific UPCs, you can download the list of generic UPCs for produce or floral below.
Download generic UPCs for produce
Download generic UPCs for floral - Transitioning from generic to company specific UPCs: Obtaining a GS1 company prefix is the first step to transitioning away from generic UPCs to a company specific UPC (building your GTIN).
- Benefits of DataBar: There are numerous benefits of including DataBar on PLU stickers, including:
- Assisting with traceability
- Improved category management
- Increased check out speed at POS.
Tools to help you implement this in your organization:
- Learn more about GS1 DataBar.
- DataBar Online is a tool that enables sellers of produce to communicate their item level GTINs and corresponding PLU codes to their buyers. It acts a central repository of data, thus creating one single point of contact for all trading partners.
- UPC Link is a tool IFPA (formerly PMA) created to assist with transitioning from generic to company specific UPCs.
UPC and DataBar Webinar
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